Get Ready for an Underwater Adventure!
| Get ready to DIVE INTO THE BIBLE! July 22 - 26, 2024 Grades Pre K through 5th Grade Come out and join the FUN! |
Wylie Christian Church |
This is a safe place to ask questions, explore new ideas, admit our struggles and seek assistance.
A place to call home
Get Ready for an Underwater Adventure!
YOUTH and Children Summer Gatherings:Check Out Our Worship Schedule! Facebook Get-Ready-For-Worship Sunday Mornings at 9:00 AM BREAKFAST IS BACK - Sundays at 9:00 AM BIBLE STUDY IS BACK - Sundays at 9:30 AM Community(in-person)Worship Sundays at 10:30 AM Nursery available during this time. Worship and Wonder (K thru the 5th grade) dismissed in Worship |
Mission Statement:
To allow God to draw the world to Christ through our lives. Our Vision Statement:
To reach outside our comfort zones of society and Church To follow Christ in servant hood. To keep and open mind, open heart, and open arms. To love other unconditionally and accept love from others Archives